


    Increasing cross-cultural understanding between young leaders on significant world crises.

  • Win against all odds.

    We shall not surrender in the face of crisis.

  • Equity, Sustainability, Innovation.

    We are a generation the world has never seen before, and we face real issues that have never been encountered in history. Never before has mankind faced a world like this, seen this web of interconnected countries, this level of technological development, this warming planet, and the polarizing political climate

    WIN firmly believes in the power of the youth. Together, young leaders from all over the world would not be facing these immense problems in isolation. WIN is the place to bridge young leaders to resources, establish cross-national alliances, and form joint initiatives to combat real-world issues. Let us reconstruct our future and win against all odds.



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    WIN Forums

    WIN forums are bi-annual online conferences where young student leaders like you can share their perspectives and experiences on resolving contemporary crises. Throughout brainstorms and moderated discussions, you will leave with thought-out joint initiatives that will be implemented in your respective school communities. Intrigued? Press the sign-up button right below!

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    Winter Youth Forum

    In February 2023 begins the first of many WIN forums to come. In our opening ceremony, everyone will receive an introduction on how things will work. You will be divided into different online meetings based of the stream you expressed interest in. After that, the discussions are free to run wild! You can express your unique cultural and intellectual perspectives on certain issues, you can share a project you are already working on and expand it to other schools, or you can generate entirely new projects with other student leader that share your ambition. The choice is up to you, because the future is in your hands.

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    Summer Forum

    The second WIN forum, taking place in summer 2023, will take the themes of___. We will revisit projects decided on in the last forum, and project leaders will present their progress over the half-year break, and share the valuable lessons they learnt in the process. The forums will focus on both finding ways to expand successful projects, and generating ideas for new initiatives.

  • Shape Our Future

    Change the world by shaping the world around you.

  • “The experience of helping a fellow man in danger, or even of training in a realistic manner to be ready to give this help, tends to change the balance of power in a youth's inner life with the result that compassion can become the master motive.”

    Kurt Hahn - German Educator